Archive for the 'TSM Requirement (DAY 2)' Category

System Requirement & Supported Platforms for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager

Wednesday 22 April 2009 @ 10:12 am

Each component of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager has its system & Software requirements. Below I am bringing your attention to the requirements of each component. Please visit IBM website for the latest requirements for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Components as its an always updated document.

System Requirement & Supported Platforms for IBM Tivoli TSM Server

IBM TSM Server System Requirements:

IBM Tivoli Storage manager Server requirements are specific to the operating system & architect it will run on. Below are the requirements for the most commonly used platforms.

Requirements for: AIX Windows
Hardware 64-bit RISC System/6000 ® or pSeries system Intel Pentium ® processor or compatible multiprocessor based system

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.5 Packaging Contents

Wednesday 22 April 2009 @ 9:33 am

OK, OK, you had just received your IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.5 CDs. I can guess, ah you are asking what are you going to do with all these CDs. Guess what!! You might only need 3 of them, or might need all of them depending on the enviornment you have. IBM tend to ship you all the CDs at once, and leave it up to you to use what you have licensed. Below is the list of CDs you should recieve with your IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Package.

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Server

  • Operational Reporting
  • Administration Center
  • Linux Server
  • HP-UX Server
  • Solaris Server
  • Windows Server
  • AIX Server