Archive for the 'DAY 1' Category

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.5 Licensing

Tuesday 17 March 2009 @ 2:20 pm

IBM TSM 5.5 come with three license schema as below:

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.5 Basic Version requires tsmbasic.lic license file

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.5 Extended Edition requires tsmee.lic license file

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.5 Retention Edition requires dataret.lic licesne file.

Note:  License can’t be mixed at the site level.

IBM TSM Functionality & Capabilities

Tuesday 17 March 2009 @ 2:06 pm

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager is a backup & archive solution, so if you are familiar with backup solutions you will discover that TSM will have to be capable of performing four main functions: backup, restore, archive, and retrive. Although these concepts seem easy to most, many new admins have a hard time distinguishing between backup & archive. As I am trying to cover every one, below you will find a brief of each as being defined by IBM Tivoli Team.

Backup: Creates a copy of a file to protect against the operational loss of destruction of that file. Customers control backups by defining the backup frequency and number of versions.

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Components

Tuesday 17 March 2009 @ 1:18 pm

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Components is the first section of three section of the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Introduction (Day1). In this section we will cover up IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Components.

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager have 9 Components. Six of these components reside on the TSM Server it self & another 3 are a part of the solution, but does not reside on the TSM Server. The first Six components in the list below are the TSM Components which reside on the TSM Server, where the last 3 components which has been colored in red are components which does not reside on the TSM Server.

TSM Components:

  1. Administrative Interface
  2. Tivoli Storage Manager Server
  3. Scheduler